Springbank society aftapning

16 years 3 weeks ago #15011 by MacLars
Så var postmanden lige forbi med årets (første) society aftapning

Det var et held jeg bladrede de medfølgende brochurer med for indeni var gemt mit society lifetime membership-kort.


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16 years 3 weeks ago #15015 by Olde
Replied by Olde on topic Springbank society aftapning
Jeg har ikke fået tilbudt denne af Springbank Society....hvilket er lidt mærkeligt, da jeg er medlem og før har købt deres flasker.
Er der blevet tilbudt andre end denne aftapning det sidste halve år, og er der nogen gode råd til hvordan man kan bestille en flaske af denne her nævnte aftapning?

Mvh. Chr. E.

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16 years 3 weeks ago #15016 by jones
Replied by jones on topic Springbank society aftapning
Medlemmer af Springbank Society modtog denne mail den 8. april.

Al J.

Springbank Society Newsletter
April 2008

Greetings to everyone from sunny (for today anyway) Springbank! It's been a very wet winter here in Scotland but now that summer is on the way we're hopeful that it's going to be a good one.

Despite the weather, we've been very busy at the distillery over the last few months. We've been organising new Longrow bottlings, new Lifetime Members of the Springbank Society, the Springbank Whisky School 2008 and last but not least a new Society bottle!

Society bottle

At long last we are able to announce the details of the latest Society bottle - a 17 year old Springbank matured in port wood. Stuart Robertson has managed to come up with 570 bottles at cask strength, 51.5 per cent. The bottle is, as always, only available to you, the Society members, and can only be ordered directly from us. On this occasion, the bottle will NOT be available to order through the www.springbankwhisky.com website. Instead, we would ask that you email us at Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den. or telephone the Cadenhead's Campbeltown Whisky Shop on +44 (0) 1586 551710 to place your order. Orders are limited to one bottle per member so that all members will be able to get a bottle. If you are ordering by email, remember that you'll need to send us your credit card details, including the long card number, the expiry date and the last three digits of the CVV code on the back of the card. We will also be checking all orders against our newly-updated database to make sure that the bottles are only sold to members. The bottles are priced at £55 each and are available from today.
Tasting note:
Nose: Sweet and treacley with a prominent port wine influence.
Palate: Thick, leathery and a hint of wood. Oily and salty on the tongue. Unmistakably Springbank.
Finish: Subtle smoke, long and creamy. The port wood influence gives this whisky an added dimension to savour.
Outturn: 570 bottles
Strength: 51.5%
Price: £55

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16 years 3 weeks ago #15018 by BigMac
Replied by BigMac on topic Springbank society aftapning

Jeg har ikke fået tilbudt denne af Springbank Society....hvilket er lidt mærkeligt, da jeg er medlem og før har købt deres flasker.
Er der blevet tilbudt andre end denne aftapning det sidste halve år, og er der nogen gode råd til hvordan man kan bestille en flaske af denne her nævnte aftapning?

Mvh. Chr. E.

Jeg har ej heller modtaget noget nyhedsbrev omkring denne gang.
Jeg var i Campbeltown i sommers hvor jeg blev forsikret at jeg var sikker på at modtage et lifetime membership, når de fik updated deres database, så dette er lidt underligt :?

Nu er der skrevet en mail til dem...håber det virker - de er lidt langsomme til at svare...hvis de overhovedet gør det...(desværre)

Vi må se tiden an...


So many malts - so little time...


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16 years 3 weeks ago #15019 by MacNiels
I er ikke de eneste der ikke har modtaget nyhedsbrevet og lifetime membership.

Jeg har kendskab til flere incl. mig selv der endnu ikke har modtaget noget


Niels Ladefoged

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16 years 3 weeks ago #15020 by EckoVicto
Ja jeg har heller ikke modtaget noget,
I følge Springbank "The Society is currently closed to new members but will be re-opening within the next few weeks. The fee will be a one-off payment of £50 for a Lifetime Membership and you will be able to join through this website."
se evt her www.springbankdistillers.com/for ... c&start=60



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16 years 3 weeks ago #15021 by jones
Replied by jones on topic Springbank society aftapning
Medio februar udsendte Springbank Society et rigtigt brev til medlemmerne (med kuvert, frimærke, m.m.) hvor man blev bedt om at meddele om man var interesseret i gratis Lifetime Membership, som tak for venlig deltagelse hidtil.

Hvis man ikke har reageret på denne henvendelse, er det tænkeligt at man er blevet slettet af medlemslisten.

Alle som har reageret og som har bestilt en flaske Springbank 17 Port Wood vil modtage medlemskort sammen med flasken, som Lars omtaler tidligere i denne tråd.

Al J.

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  • Bjærre
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16 years 3 weeks ago #15022 by Bjærre
Replied by Bjærre on topic Springbank society aftapning
Jeg har heller ikke fået, hverken det rigtige brev eller seneste mail, og det er vel lidt underligt i betragning af, at mailen om ledige pladser på deres whisky skole er nået frem til min mailboks. Jeg kan også stadig logge ind på sociaty siden.
Er bekymret :cry:

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16 years 3 weeks ago #15023 by BigMac
Replied by BigMac on topic Springbank society aftapning

Medio februar udsendte Springbank Society et rigtigt brev til medlemmerne (med kuvert, frimærke, m.m.) hvor man blev bedt om at meddele om man var interesseret i gratis Lifetime Membership, som tak for venlig deltagelse hidtil.

Hvis man ikke har reageret på denne henvendelse, er det tænkeligt at man er blevet slettet af medlemslisten.

Alle som har reageret og som har bestilt en flaske Springbank 17 Port Wood vil modtage medlemskort sammen med flasken, som Lars omtaler tidligere i denne tråd.

Al J.

Jeg har ej heller modtaget noget snail-mail midt i februar, men jeg har dog - ligesom Bjærre modtaget mail om whiskyskole og kan også stadig logge ind som society member.

Håber min mail til dem kaster noget lys over sagen...


So many malts - so little time...


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16 years 3 weeks ago #15024 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Springbank society aftapning

Medio februar udsendte Springbank Society et rigtigt brev til medlemmerne (med kuvert, frimærke, m.m.) hvor man blev bedt om at meddele om man var interesseret i gratis Lifetime Membership, som tak for venlig deltagelse hidtil.

Jeg har ikke modtaget noget brev - til gengæld fik jeg en mail i starten af marts efter at jeg selv havde skrevet til dem. Jeg har også kendskab til mindst en der ikke har fået nogen respons - selvom vedkommende både har mailet og skrevet... Så alt er ved det gamle :-(
Men som det kan læses af nyhedsbrevet (herunder) arbejder Janet nu tre dage i ugen med Society. Der er plads til forbedringer :-)

New member of staff
Some of you may already know that we have a new member of staff working at the Society to help with all of the administration that is involved. Janet Blair has been working in the office at Springbank since March last year and is now spending three days each week helping to run the Society. Janet has already had a great input into the Lifetime Memberships and will be invaluable in improving the service that we offer to our members.

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

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16 years 3 weeks ago #15029 by BH
Replied by BH on topic Springbank society aftapning
Jeg har intet modtaget, hverken mail eller brev.

Men når det drejer sig om Longrow 18yo eller samples af Glengyle er der intet problem. Har fået 5 forskellige samples.

Når jeg ringer eller mailer får jeg at vide de har sendt brev og mail til mig. Jeg har bedt om at de skulle sende det igen, men intet er sket.

Jeg meldte mig ind i Springbank Society den 11 uni 2003. eg var blandt de 10 første betalende medlemmer. Blev medlem et par dage før Jones, som har modtaget det hele.

De har vist ikke styr på det hele!! :)

Bjarne Hagen

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16 years 3 weeks ago #15032 by Olde
Replied by Olde on topic Springbank society aftapning
Tak til jer alle for jeres bidrag til opklaringen. Nu vil jeg så forsøge at afsende en mail og bestille en flaske. Glæden bliver stor når den kommer i hus!
-Chr. E.

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16 years 3 weeks ago #15036 by jones
Replied by jones on topic Springbank society aftapning
Siden der tilsyneladende er en del der ikke modtog april nyhedsbrevet, her er resten af indholdet. Omtalen af Springbank 17 Port kan læses længere oppe i denne tråd.

Al J.

Springbank Anniversary
The year 2008 represents a significant milestone in Springbank's history. It was 180 years ago that Springbank Distillery was officially established in 1828 on the previous illicit site of Archibald Mitchell, great-great grandfather of the present Chairman, Mr. Hedley Wright. It was Archibald's sons, John and William who took out a licence and distilled legally as J & W Mitchell.. To mark this very special anniversary, we will be releasing a series of bottles throughout the year which will only be available to Society members. We are unable to reveal more details about these bottles yet but you can be sure they will be very special.

Lifetime Memberships
As you will all be aware, some weeks ago we sent out membership forms to all our members offering the chance to upgrade to a FREE Lifetime Membership. We have had a very good response and we are very pleased to have so many people who enjoy and are enthusiastic about Springbank and our whiskies. We are currently processing your new membership cards and these will be sent out along with your Society bottle should you choose to order one. If not, your cards will be sent out separately within the next few weeks. If you have any friends or family who want to join the Society, you can tell them that we will be taking new membership applications from the beginning of May. We will only be offering Lifetime Memberships from then and the cost of membership will be a one-off payment of £50.

New member of staff
Some of you may already know that we have a new member of staff working at the Society to help with all of the administration that is involved. Janet Blair has been working in the office at Springbank since March last year and is now spending three days each week helping to run the Society. Janet has already had a great input into the Lifetime Memberships and will be invaluable in improving the service that we offer to our members.

Springbank Website
We're also delighted to be able to bring you news of some exciting changes to the website www.springbankwhisky.com . We are currently working with our friends at Intimation Design on a brand new site design and layout which we think you will all like. While there is a lot of work involved in redeveloping the website, we are sure that all the hard work will be worthwhile. Not only will the site be more informative, it will also be easier for visitors to use and navigate and for us here at Springbank to administrate. The online shop will also be changing as part of the revamp and this should make it even easier for our members to order their Springbank whiskies and merchandise. We will also be making some changes to the Society Forum which we hope will encourage more of you to use it on a regular basis. We will bring you more news about the website and the forum when we are closer to going live with the new design.

Whisky School 2008
After the success of last year's Whisky School at Springbank, course Rector and Director of Production Frank McHardy has decided to extend the number of terms available this year. We have also moved the term dates to encourage more people to attend. As many of you already know, Springbank is the only distillery in Scotland to carry out the entire production process on one site, making it the ideal place to come and learn the ancient craft of Scotch whisky production. From malting to maturation and production to bottling, the Whisky School offers students the chance to get their hands dirty at Springbank and our experienced staff are looking forward to passing on their knowledge to the students over the course of their week-long terms. There will also be the chance to enjoy a special Springbank tasting and a graduation lunch in The Tasting Room. The Whisky School will be run in June, September and October this year. There are still some places available. If you are interested in attending you can find out more by visiting our website or by sending an email to Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den. .

In case any of you missed the announcement, Springbank has declared 2008 to be the Year of Longrow. We have released some very special Longrow bottlings and will be holding special Longrow tastings and masterclasses at events around the world throughout the year. In addition to the standard Longrow bottlings, 2008 has already seen the release of a 7 year old Longrow Gaja Barolo Wood Expression, the new Longrow CV and the Longrow 18 year old. The CV has become part of the standard range of Longrow bottlings but the Gaja Barolo and, in particular the 18 year old, are limited in quantity. All three whiskies have received good reviews from various websites and publications and are great additions to our range of products.

Production news
Our annual period of production at Mitchell's Glengyle Distillery began this week after the production team spent the first three months of 2008 malting barley at Springbank. When mashing and distilling is finished at Glengyle there will be a short spell in June when we are both malting and distilling together at Springbank, making it the ideal time to take advantage of the free tour you are entitled to as a member of the Society. We will also be carrying out malting and distilling in October this year if you cannot manage to visit us in the summer. If you are coming to visit Springbank this year you can book your tour by email to the Society address or to Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den. , or you can call the Cadenhead's Whisky Shop on +44 (0) 1586 551710.

That's all for now, hopefully all of these new bottlings will keep you entertained until next time!


The Springbank Society

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16 years 3 weeks ago #15037 by BigMac
Replied by BigMac on topic Springbank society aftapning

Jeg har heller ikke fået, hverken det rigtige brev eller seneste mail, og det er vel lidt underligt i betragning af, at mailen om ledige pladser på deres whisky skole er nået frem til min mailboks. Jeg kan også stadig logge ind på sociaty siden.
Er bekymret :cry:

Et opkald til Janet idag satte lidt skub i sagen - hun ville dog gerne have verificeret mit medlemsskab ved at jeg tog en fotokopi af mit medlemskort og fax'ede det til hende sammen med adresse og kreditkortnummer når jeg nu skulle have flaske leveret.

Hun spurgte i 'opklaringsprocessen' om jeg havde skiftet adresse da hun var sikker på at der var sendt brev ud til samtlige medlemmer her først på året. Hun fortalte også at hun havde modatget over 200 mails over weekenden som hun nu skulle til og igennem - så jeg tror et opkald er det bedste...


So many malts - so little time...


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16 years 2 weeks ago #15047 by Bjærre
Replied by Bjærre on topic Springbank society aftapning
En mail, med et billede af mit gamle medlemskort, affødte straks et svar med løfte om nu ar være registreret som life time member.
Janet gør en forskel - dejligt :D

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16 years 2 weeks ago #15049 by Peteys
Replied by Peteys on topic Springbank society aftapning
Har lige sendt et billede af mit medlemskort afsted, så jeg håber da jeg får samme behandling som dig.
Eller endnu bedre, at de lærer at stave til Nielsen, når de nu skal til at lave et nyt kort til mig :-)


Den bedste dram er den næste dram!

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15 years 11 months ago #15250 by Wallace

er jeg den eneste, som ikke har modtaget mit gratis Springbank Lifetime Membership card :?: (jeg har ikke bestilt den sidste nye society aftapning, hvor man i givet fald ville vedlægge medlemskortet)


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15 years 11 months ago #15325 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Springbank society aftapning
Den nye Springbank Society Port Wood er nu på Whiskyauction.
Auktionen løber stadig et par uger og den er p.t budt op i 175 €.

Current bid is € 175
Minimum increment is € 5
Number of bids 5
Deadline for this item is 8:50 PM CEST 6/14/2008


Original Bottling
December 1990
February 2008
17 years old
one of 570 Bottles
Refill Port Hogshead
Selected for Springbank Society Members
51.5%, 70 cl

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

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12 years 1 month ago #25988 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Springbank society aftapning
Kilde: Springbank

Open Day Bottles - Springbank Society Golf Open Friday 25th May 2012
Open Day Thursday 24th May 2012
Open day bottling from 2 single casks

Springbank - Sherry Cask
Colour: Gold
Nose: Salty, butter, toffee, briny and heather honey.
Palate: Nutty marzipan, peanut butter, floral and bubblegum.
Finish: Salty with hints of smoke - smoke on the water!

Longrow - Bourbon Cask
Colour: Amber
Nose: Egg nog, caramel, hazelnut paste, creamy and cut hay.
Palate: Soft around the edges, elegant smoke, nutty and cox apples.
Finish: Dry finish that tickles your taste buds, really nice with a drop of water in it!

Springbank Society 14yo - Still to be bottled
Colour: Dark amber
Nose: Fruity, cantaloupe melon, tangerines, clementines, shortbread and icing.
Palate: Nougat, dark red forrest fruits, nutty, sweet and deliciously oily.
Finish: Loooooong finish, hints of peat evident a good honest Kintyre dram.

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

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11 years 10 months ago #26575 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Springbank society aftapning
Det har hidtil været lidt omstændigt at få Society flasker hjem fra Skotland.
Den gode nyhed er så, at der arbejdes på at medlemmer fremover skal kunne købe flaskerne på på SS hjemmesiden og få varen leveret gennem deres lokale Cadenheads forhandler.
Man betaler så ikke skotsk moms og told, men dansk moms og told på lovlig vis.
Priserne forventes at komme til at ligge på nogenlunde samme niveau.

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

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11 years 10 months ago #26578 by DanielChristensen
Hvordan joiner man Springbank Society?

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11 years 10 months ago #26579 by PWA

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11 years 1 month ago - 11 years 1 month ago #28212 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Springbank society aftapning
Næste aftapning: Kilde: Springbank Newsletter

Society Bottling
The next cask for Society has been chosen, labels are ordered so once they are here we are good to go. I have a little sample from the cask sitting on my desk, just in case any Society Members happen to pop into the shop. It’s a very nice Springbank 15y/o - distilled 1997 from a Madeira cask - it’s not just very nice, it’s delicious. I don’t have an availability date as yet but once the labels are here I’ll have a better idea and I’ll also get a price for it. We had a wee tasting a couple of weeks ago, so here is the tasting note:
Nose- The nose on this is very fruity, citrus fruits such as mandarins are particularly dominant.These initial notes are replaced by aromas of caramel and spices.
Palate- This is a full bodied, smooth and creamy whisky. The spices of cinnamon and nutmeg are
noticeable and really tickle the taste buds. It is an oily and chewy dram.
Finish- The sweet finish is long and lingers with oak in the background. It ends on a peppery tingle.Of course the next bottling will be chosen by some lucky Society Members who are going to be in Campbeltown on Wednesday 22nd May

"A fool and his money are soon parted"
Last edit: 11 years 1 month ago by Duffer.

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6 years 1 month ago #34603 by MacNiels
Næste aftapning fra Springbank Society:

Hazelburn 10yo Sauternes 53.9%

Available to order from Monday 9th April 2018
Limited to one per member
No pre-orders will be taken. Only email orders from 9th April will be accepted.

The purpose of this newsletter is to provide you with information on the forthcoming release and how and when you can order it. You will receive a newsflash on the release day to let you know that you can place an order.

Hazelburn 10yo Sauternes 53.9%

Cask type; Refill Sauternes Hogsheads
Distilled; December 2007
Bottled; March 2018
Strength; 53.9%
Outturn; 846 bottles
Price; £50.00

Tasting notes

Nose : Orchard fruits; fresh juicy green apples and pear skins. Rich and creamy; creme brûlée, hints of toffee and Seville Oranges.

Palate : Syrup engulfs the mouth. Honeycomb emerges with milk chocolate, prunes, vanilla sponge cake alongside oak and nut notes.

Finish : Raisins and pecan pie develop, followed by liquorice root, coffee bean and blueberries.

Niels Ladefoged

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